
Telehealth & Wellness Virtual PT Appointments

Telehealth Physical Therapy

Virtual Telehealth sessions are available only to residents of Ohio.

Evaluation sessions last between 60-75 minutes.

Follow-up sessions can be scheduled for either 30 or 60 minute time slots.

The sessions are completed on a secure and private video platform that is accessed with a web browser. It is best viewed on a desktop or laptop computer but can also be accessed on mobile.


Wellness Consult For Pregnancy and Postpartum

Have you recently gotten pregnant and want to be sure you are doing the “right” activities or exercises for your body and baby?

Do you feel pretty good day to day but are not sure how to best prepare your body for labor and delivery?

Do you want to know the optimal way to get back to exercise for your body after you have the baby?

Do you get small aches and pains with caring for and feeding your baby that you don’t know what to do to improve?

Does any of this sounds like you? We’d love to chat and talk about your issues or concerns along with your health and wellness goals. We can help determine if a wellness visit or PT visit or combo program is right for you. This will be conducted via a phone chat. ** This call is not intended for direct coaching or pelvic physical therapy treatment. If you have been referred for pelvic PT or already know you want it, it is best to schedule for an initial PT consult/visit.**


**She Blooms PT is a fee-for-service/cash-based clinic, meaning that we do not contract with any insurance providers and payment is collected at the time of service (cash, credit card, flexible savings accounts and health savings accounts). After each session if you request it you can receive an itemized bill if you are interested in reimbursement and you can independently submit it to your insurance company.  

If you are interested in knowing your potential level of reimbursement for our services, please call your insurance provider and inquire about their coverage for “out of network telehealth physical therapy,” as well as any applicable deductibles.